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A part of dystopia

Young girls were given out free apartment and were drugged into thinking their only life purpose is partying. Everything looked white, and everyone had to wear white. The goverment monitored them because they had to go to their hobbies (not school - hobbies) and there were older women as teachers who went through exact same, but are forced to control, just like goverment controls everyone.

If the teachers notice they were using too much drugs, they need to report it to the goverment and the goverment will then send the "special forces" to enter the apartments violently (like fbi does) and earse all of their memories and "arrest" them and put them in rehab, and when they heal they earse their memories again and put them in apartments again and they go through the same all over and over again.

In that dream, I was the girl going on parties, but I was not drinking not using drugs, and I lived in the same apartment as those girls did. One time, when I was on my hobby class, a teacher was too harsh on me, probably noticing I was not taking drugs, and she reported us even though nobody came out too much drugged. I tried to make a hiding spot in the apartment where I would hide from the special forces. And so I did when they came, it was a hole in the wall behind some closet. I was hidden in there for 2 hours until they went away. When I came out, there was nobody to be found. I wondered what will happen to me and I was so worried and scared.
