Water — importance for the living world
Water is one of the natural resources that we need for life.
The structure of water
Water is a natural chemical compound consisting of oxygen and hydrogen (H₂O).
That's why we need so much water, because it consists of oxygen, which is also necessary for us to live on planet Earth.
The importance of water
Our body consists of 60% to 65% water. Our cells in the tissues contain cytoplasm, which also consists of water, they must remain hydrated in order for the organelles in the cells to function more easily and better. Otherwise, they die out. Every day it is necessary to drink at least 2.5 liters of water, which will be needed for almost every cell in our body.
Water in the body
Water is of great importance for the body of any organism (especially for small organisms, such as microorganisms).
For organisms from the kingdoms of microorganisms (kingdom monera and protista), water means as one of the habitats where monera and protista usually live.
For organisms from the mushroom kingdom, we have an example of the importance of water in humidity. Moisture occurs in wet places that are usually wet due to steam evaporating from the soil. Mushrooms also grow from moisture, which is why water is also important for the mushroom kingdom.
For organisms from the plant kingdom, water is definitely needed for various examples and reasons. The first example of nutrition, the plant has its own water courses through which water passes in order to bring nutrients from the soil into the plant. Another example of stability, the plant stem is upright precisely because of the water pressure, if the water stopped flowing through the tree for several days or if it simply evaporated due to the climate, the plant would dry up and fall apart.
For organisms from the animal kingdom, water is needed for even more reasons. I will only give basic examples. Habitat, water as a large part of our planet Earth (71% water from 29% land) is a necessary habitat for animals of various shapes and sizes. Nutrition, just like with plants, water flows through our body and the body of other animals for the very reason of transferring nutrients to almost all tissues in the body. Hydration, without water hydration, our body and the body of other animals would lose the liquid form of some substances in the body (acid in the stomach, blood, etc.), also, the body would lose oxides.
Water on planet Earth
Water on planet Earth is very important, not only to us but also to our planet on which we live.
What would happen if water disappeared from the Earth?
Since water has all 3 aggregate states (liquid, gas and solid), simply put, if there was no water in the air, on the ground, or in the soil, the Earth would be one dry and too hot place for life.
If there was no water on the land, almost every living thing would die out, the aquatic habitat would disappear, and the Earth would be completely land (100% land).
If there was no water in the soil, there would not be a single source of water that would begin to flow to the surface.
Also, there would be no snow on the mountains, and especially no ice on the north and south poles.
If there was no water in a gaseous state, the white clouds would disappear and be replaced by completely different clouds full of toxic gases.
There would be no moisture either, because moisture is created by the evaporation of moist soil, that is, by the evaporation of water vapor from the soil.
Clouds also form the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from too strong sun rays. So the Earth would first dry up and then burn up.
Such examples make us aware that we should, at any cost, protect the environment and the living world.
Let's protect water, let's not pollute it, because it is one of the most necessary life resources for life on planet Earth.