I wish to see the knowledge
I wish to see the light that is learning and that is knowledge and that is bravery. I wish to see the light to win the fears I have, in order to not live in the unknown, in the darkness. For others have hurt me because of their fears, because of them constantly living in the unknown and having no hope for change, I shall not blame them. For I am nobody to judge others, and for nobody is to be blamed for our fate, for the fate of humanity. We live in the time of dread and fear, of unknown and darkness, of wars and depression. And we understand that life is a constant struggle, a constant suffering. But why we must not fight? Why we have to continue this period of time? Why we must let our children live in the same fear we live? Why is trauma like a sacred family legend that must be passed down from the older generation to the younger? I understand that we are born to die, but I do not understand why our lives must be dark and hopeless. Why do others have to suffer just because we have suffered?
But also we fear the past that may haunt us for we do not know why others treated us in certain way that hurt us. That explains how different we are from one another. And that requires the most important type of knowledge: Listening, Understanding and Supporting. The way we treat each other is the cause of our constant dread. For we fear of being hurt, and that makes us fear the difference of another. For everything has the reason for its doing, we shall try to understand by finding a valid and underlying reason for why the person turned out the way they are right now, and what made them that. Thus making the act of judgement irrelevant (except in cases of murder and torment). For we humans are imperfect and we do not have the right to judge others because we are aswell wrongful of some things, and could be wrongful if we were in the place of the person that is being judged.
This is what the school tries to present through science and logic - everything that happens has a reason for it, the existence of every being has its own purpose - and so does the human being, everything that happened has its own cause. School is a form of knowledge that should be applied in everyday life, education helps us to understand. But here we are not referring to school and education as an institution that considers the purpose of knowledge to be memorizing all the information from books. We already mean education in a general sense, which provides us with various types of knowledge. Which we as humans can choose in relation to what we can do and create and use for good purposes.
Since the human being is complex, this also applies to human knowledge. Human has artistic, spiritual, logical, social and natural knowledge, and they learn this knowledge through their senses and reason. Natural knowledge helps us understand our surroundings. Logical knowledge helps us solve everyday problems, while spiritual, social and artistic knowledge allows us to connect love and emotions. Also, if we combined logical, spiritual and social knowledge, we would be able to help ourselves and others.
Knowledge and education is the light that show us the path, the light that lead us somewhere, that opens more opportunities for us to see the purpose in this life. Knowing things will help you and others. With knowledge, you are unstoppable as a human, and you shall create and do things as one must do. Your dreams, hopes, feelings, wishes and needs are respected with knowledge. You shall find love in things you do and create, the passion that drives one human being to live. This is what should be passed on the future generations, instead of fear. This is what makes us brave and unstoppable. The time of knowledge and love is where humanity must live in order to thrive. We thrive in bravery and love, as we are born with love.
Knowledge shall be used to help ourselves and others, it shall be used with love.
But alas, even if the knowledge is something that should make us able to see through the unknown, we cannot know everything, for every human being is limited and imperfect. We can know how to treat others, how to treat our children, how to do stuff, how to create stuff, and we shall use it with passion. But as we are limited, we cannot know the future, thus we fear it the most. We cannot know the death, thus we fear it the most. And that is why we try to understand it, to win the fear we have of it, but it is impossible for us to do that, for we are limited.
Channel the knowledge and love into something you can do, not something you cannot, as a human. For humans are capable of anything, expect of being immortal and knowing future.
Although death and the very fear of its' existence, this does not mean that the trial of murder and torture is irrelevant. Torture, in any form, is instilling fear through physical and psychological harm. If we as humanity fight against fear – one must not experience fear of others or himself. Death may be inevitable, but it should not be deserved because life is a constant struggle for survival. If a person is fighting to live - a person must not be killed by another person or by theirself. If knowledge is courage and ignorance is fear, and if it is impossible to know death, this does not mean that we should fear it, because we should accept our knowledge of its existence.
Of course, in addition to education and information, there is also experience, through which a person naturally learns. Experience is the personal history of one person, who learned from their past mistakes and made those mistakes never to be repeated. Experience is a natural way for a person to survive, and also to become a better person. But we again come to the question: Why do we constantly make mistakes through our entire life even though we knew about those mistakes?
Human error is just a reminder that we are not perfect in knowledge.
Nor that means that we have to be perfect, but it is also a reminder that we should constantly work on ourselves. Because when we compare our past and our present, and see that everything is the same as before, we feel dissapointment. We may not feel it at the moment, but that is why we start blaming ourselves for our past, because we are disappointed in ourselves. A disappointed person will not achieve anything because they begin to think so. After that comes the belief and delusion that this person knows everything and that their experience justifies the act of criticizing someone else's experience. They begin to think that they are done with learning and their experience and this leads to the illusion that they have gone through everything in life.
"If I were you, I wouldn't have finished that college." "Why didn't you apply for the driving licence? It would be a lot easier for you now." "I don't like the fact that you started a football career." "Listen to me, because I've been through a lot in my life." "I'm your father, and while you’re under my roof, it will be as I say."
These are just some of the comments coming out of the mouths of disappointed people. And unfortunately, people like this do not change, and no one can change them, because that is how they decided for their lives. They can stay in the circle of disappointing others just because they are disappointed. And we can move on, to accept them as persons, but not their comments. We can move on with our lives and learn, we can become better people than we were, for the sake of ourselves and others.
“I want to see knowledge" symbolizes the striving for light that dispels the darkness in which we often find ourselves - the darkness of fear, ignorance and misunderstanding. This desire for knowledge is not only academic, but existential: through knowledge we free ourselves from the shackles of the past and the fears that torment us. And it also represents my deep desire to get out of the darkness of ignorance and fear.
Knowledge is not just information, it is the light that allows us to better understand ourselves, others and the world around us. The desire for knowledge is actually the desire for truth, for understanding the causes and consequences of everything we experience. Only through knowledge can we build a better world, free from fears and limitations, and that is the way humanity should go.
Knowledge is the key that opens the door to courage, love and understanding, not only towards the world, but also towards yourself and others. And any change takes time and effort, and although this may not change the world immediately, I believe that spreading awareness of the importance of knowledge and love can gradually lead to a better tomorrow.